Southgate & Sarabia Architects Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
Many companies have a ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ Strategy; it is now an integral and important box to tick for all businesses large or small.
For Southgate & Sarabia Architects (SASA), it is much more. Supporting our local communities, championing best sustainable practice, nurturing health and well-being and social responsibility is embedded within our culture. It is just as an essential strand of the business as any other component; the golden thread linking every aspect of our business.
We believe a company’s CSR strategy should be goal driven, achievable and authentic. Here at SASA we consider and manage the impact our business can have on:
Environment | Community | Customers | Employees | Suppliers
In turn we can see how CSR can energize the whole ethos of a workplace. By encouraging our employees to pursue their own passions and interests we have supported a number of community projects and fundraising initiatives. This in turn has organically created practice champions, and encouraged more sustainable ways of working, mental health awareness and better well-being.
We are striving to become one of the most ethical and sustainable architect practices in the UK. Committed to people, place and the environment.
Why have a CSR policy?
The term ‘CSR’ describes business behaviours that not only deliver commercial objectives and meet legal requirements but also have a positive social impact. It is a desire to run a business responsibly and align business strategy with CSR goals; so as to have a significant and positive impact both on the business itself and the communities it serves.
Creating a formal policy helps a business focus on its own values, and how it is perceived. It encourages businesses to be self-regulating, accountable and mindful of their social and environmental responsibilities. It also offers the wider community tangible evidence of a business’s social commitments.
Here at SASA we are formally committing to up-holding our very personal CSR strategy which has been shaped by our own values and beliefs. We will use this as a catalyst for best practice in all areas of our business, and to fundamentally enhance and improve the lives of the people and places with which we work.
We have developed a policy that affects and enhances all areas of our business, and we wish to adopt and commit to the principles and practices set out below:
Our seven elements are:
A. Staff and People | B. Customers | C. Suppliers | D. The Environment | E. Community | F. Health and Safety | G. Well-being
A. Staff and People
SASA believes that workplaces flourish when staff are happy. Therefore we are committed to the well-being and continual development of our people. Providing training, mentoring and opportunities to give regular feedback. Enabling each employee to gain a clear understanding of their role and how they can contribute to the business. We aim to involve and engage our employees on the direction of the business and its values.
SASA operates a meritocracy where all employees are recognised and awarded on the basis of their performance, effort, contribution and achievements. We expect our employees to act with integrity towards one another and exercise a high standard of business practice and workmanship.
We support diversity, fairness and equal opportunities. We ensure opportunities are provided for all, with training courses, career progression and flexible working. Being a fair employer is fundamental to our values; we want all of our staff to feel valued and treated with equal respect.
B. Customers
SASA aims to build long term relationships with all our customers and other stakeholders; understanding their objectives as they evolve over time and meeting their needs.
We strive to give fair value, consistent quality, transparency and reliability at all times. We aim to have the highest professional and ethical standards and will be honest, open and translucent in every aspect of our working relationship. Upholding integrity at all times.
SASA is an authentic company. Therefore we will focus efforts on attracting clients who also align to our values, and want to make a positive impact on the built environment and wider community.
C. Suppliers
Here at SASA we recognised that our suppliers are a fundamental element of our business. Therefore we aim to create and maintain strong relationships with key suppliers and contractors.
We endeavour to choose suppliers that share our ethos in relation to employment practices, quality, and environmental controls. Our values will be communicated to all suppliers and potential suppliers. We will strive to champion local supply chains, and monitor our carbon impact.
D. Environment
We are aware of our environmental impact as a business and therefore consistently take appropriate steps to mitigate that impact. This involves setting environmental objectives and targets, implementing sustainable best practice procedures and providing up-to-date training. So both employees and contractors understand their environmental responsibilities and can seek to continually improve our environmental performance.
As an example, we are a paperless practice, conducting all of our business via digital methods.
E. The Community
SASA strives to support and enhance the local communities in which we live and work to our best ability.
We recognise and understand the significance of the local community within which we operate. We aim to enhance our contribution to the community by being sensitive to the needs of local people and groups and promoting ethical and socially responsible trading.
We have worked with and continue to actively support and donate to a wide range of local organisations and charities from arts, health to grass- roots sport. We are also champions of inclusivity and actively work to encourage young people from all backgrounds to achieve a career in the built environment.
F. Health, & Safety
SASA meticulously aims to achieve and maintain the highest standards of health and safety at all times. Providing a safe and healthy working environment for all our activities and people. We uphold a current and effective health and safety policy that is regularly reviewed and updated.
G. Wellbeing
SASA is fully committed to supporting the health and well-being of our employees. Providing an open and safe working environment, where staff are encouraged to look after their well-being, and mental health.
As a team we are also passionate about supporting others, and champion several mental health charities. We have worked with and continue to support a number of organisations who support a variety of issues including eating disorders, trauma and domestic violence.
At Southgate & Sarabia we are proud to have supported since our inception the following:
Regeneration Brainery
Penny’s Community Arts (BEAT)
Beating Eating Disorders
Rock Foundation
Whirlow Hall Farm Trust
Garforth Junior Football Team
Sheffield Children’s Hospital
Sheffield Museum Trust
Ronald McDonald House Charities UK
Help for Heroes
Prostate Cancer UK
Katherine House Hospice Stafford
Claire House Children’s Hospice
Martin House Hospice Care for Children and Young People
We will continue to support others as we can and thank all our staff for their contributions