Modular Housing

  • YEAR : 2019
  • LOCATION : UK Wide
  • SUBCATEGORY : Residential

With our developer partners we are designing affordable mass produced housing for multiple sites across the UK. Understanding how to maximise component design for a kit-of-parts solution that offers repeatable construction in volumetric design, that responds to transport and site logistics has been a real challenge, one we have overcome to create a ‘house type series’ from two to five bed houses.

Recognising technical challenges in no way undermines what great homes these buildings will provide especially when developers invest in wider landscaping to bind houses together through green planting and open spaces. A sense of place and community is derived from people, buildings and infrastructure.

Each floor plan has to work hard organising functions and equipment, whilst the roof level is of paramount importance securing outdoor space without having to descend, maximising design opportunity and giving so much back to owner occupiers.


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