COVID-19 Our Approach

In an attempt to adopt a sensible approach and reduce any risk of becoming carriers or contracting the hugely publicised Coronavirus, we have reduced our business diary activities where group personal interaction is anticipated. We will also be working largely from home locations until further notice.

This will not affect our service at Southgate & Sarabia Architects provides, as we are a Cloud based business and use agile working methods to fulfil our contracts.

We will be available in normal working hours as usual, on our mobile phones, by email or video links; however, this situation is an evolving paradigm and may require pragmatic solutions in relation to site activities where contact is limited.

Emergency planning advice:

Our business is following good practice in emergency planning, preparedness and response. This can be achieved by adopting the following steps:

  • Develop a response plan for if someone in the workplace becomes ill with suspected COVID-19. They will have a new persistent cough and temperature of 38 degrees or above. This should include the immediate response e.g. isolate the individual and review the NHS advice provided online or 111 before you contact the local health authority.
  • Plan to identify persons who may be at risk without stigma or discrimination. People with low immune systems, people over the age of 70 and pregnant women as advised through the NHS.
  • Explore ways of remote working (teleworking) that will allow workers to continue their work from home
  • Develop a business continuity plan for an outbreak, which covers:
    • How your organisation will continue to function if workers, contractors and suppliers cannot come to your place of business
    • Visitors and vendors who have access to the building
    • Communicate to workers and contractors about the plan and their role in it
    • Ensure the plan addresses mental health and social consequences of a case of COVID-19 in the workplace

We have taken sensible steps to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in line with good practice.

Southgate & Sarabia Architects

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